Dreaming with My Eyes Open
Thursday, February 26, 2004

Wow, The past two weeks have been hectic. It's really ok, I like being busy... no, really I do.... I am very tired, my body is at least.... my mind is so entertained right now. I'm at an all time high. I love this time of year. It's still a little chilly, the worst of winter is over. I'm so entrenched in work lately that I haven't had time to do anything of real interest to anyone except me. (The work is interesting to me.)
Oh, we did move the office furniture around at IPT. IPT is doing great, we're really moving along quickly. We're getting everything done that we've been trying to do for a long time. I'm actually getting alot of programming done lately. Programming always makes me happy. I think my mind was just made for it.
Tomarrow I'm taking a day off. I havent had more than 4 hours sleep in a night for two weeks. My body is yelling at me s I have to fix it. I'll probably write you all again in the next day or two.
...... ....... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ..... zzzzz..... ....... ...... ..... ..... zzzzz....... .... ..... zzzzzZZZZZZZZzzzzzz............ oh, your still here?..... get out!!!!